Tag Archives: Apolinario Mabini

[FACT CHECK] Apolinario Mabini was not a student of Juan Ponce Enrile

Yes, it’s a meme. It’s satire. It’s funny AF. And here it is below in all its glory:

Screen grab from The Third Pinoy Season Facebook page

Humor aside, I’m a bit concerned that there would be someone who would actually think this is true. Unbelievable as it may sound but we’ve reached this point in our civilization that there are people who think everything on the internet is true.

So let’s break this meme down.

Quick facts about the two persons involved:

Juan Ponce Enrile – Born 14 February 1924 (age 95 years)

Apolinario Mabini – Born: 23 July 1864, Tanauan, Batangas
Died: 13 May 1903, Manila

Was Apolinario Mabini a lawyer? Yes. He earned his Law degree at University of Sto Tomas in 1894*.

Did Juan Ponce Enrile taught law? Yes. He was taught Law at the Far Eastern University Institute of Law in the 1960s before he became involved with former dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

Was Apolinario Mabini a former student of Juan Ponce Enrile? No. Apolinario Mabini was already a lawyer in 1894, thirty years before Juan Ponce Enrile was born.

Hope this sets the record straight. Still, hats off to JPE, he’s almost a century old and I think he’ll see two more Presidents until he kicks the bucket.

  1. *
    Zaide, Gregorio F. (1984), Philippine History and Government, National Bookstore Printing Press
  2. Wikipedia contributors. (2019, March 14). Juan Ponce Enrile. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:58, March 24, 2019, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Juan_Ponce_Enrile&oldid=887724006